Enfagrow A+ Mindpro Step 3

Enfagrow A+ Mindpro Step 3 配方奶粉富含DHA、ARA和MFGM,专为1-3岁幼儿设计,支持脑部发育、认知功能和免疫健康,助力宝宝全面成长。

Enfagrow A+ Mindpro Step 3 配方奶粉的独家营养成分包括:

  1. DHA和ARA:关键的脑部和视力发育支持。
  2. MFGM(乳脂球膜):有助于提高认知能力和情绪管理。
  3. 益生菌:促进肠道健康,增强免疫力。


Enfagrow A+ MindPro Step 3 with MFGM Pro, DHA Pro and 2′-FL* Advance is a scientifically formulated milk powder for children aged 1-3 years old.

  • Enfagrow A+ MindPro contains 60% higher DHA▲ that meets global expert recommended daily DHA intake^ and no added sugar*.
  • Scientific studies have shown that DHA and MFGM help support 35% fewer sick days1 and 2x benefits of brain cells connections 2-3. With 2’FL, a type of oligosaccharides.
  • Complemented with FOS# which helps maintain a good intestinal environment. • Gut is the largest compartment of the immune system and a well-functioning immune system is crucial for staying healthy.


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