Anmum Essential Step 3 Milk Formula

Anmum Essential Step 3 配方奶粉的独家营养成分包括:

  1. GA®乳铁蛋白:增强免疫系统,帮助抵抗感染。
  2. DHA和叶黄素:支持脑部发育和视力健康。
  3. 益生元:促进肠道健康,帮助消化系统功能。


ANMUM Essential Step 3 is a scientifically formulated milk powder / milk formula for growing up children aged 1-3 years old.

ANMUM Essential is scientifically formulated with DHA, MFGM, Gangliosides, Prebiotic and 15 Key Nutrients.


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